Well today was different at church because Pastor Stacey and Tina weren't with us to bring the message as there were in Florida to visit Mikey....They will be with us next Sunday as they are on the road back as Don Soole talked to them a day or so ago....In stead today we were blessed to have Brother Allen come and play the piano and lead us in several songs...Also we had a special sung by Nelson Zoet...Don Soole gave a reading that was very good and informative....It told of how God has a plan for each of us if we will but follow his will and teaching, but we must be willing to be lead by him because he will not force us....It also teaches us that God loves us no matter what just as a good father loves his children no matter what....In other words love the sinner, but hate the sin would be a good way to put it....
As we have a number of folks that are leaving to head up NORTH for the summer, continue to pray for their safe journey and a safe summer...Don't for get to pray for Pastor Stacey and Tina on the road as they come home.....Also pray for any sick that you may hear of as prayer goes a long way toward healing of the body and soul....God Bless All....See you in Church next week...
This blogs sole purpose has transitioned to one of keeping in touch with each other. Over the years it has been primarily for letting everyone know what is happening and also for promotion to add more folks to our Winter Texan family. The core of things has changed and we must change along with it. We still want to know what is happening with our friends no matter where they may be located. So continue to let us know where you are and what is on your plate.
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