This was a beautiful day for an Easter Service at Magnolia....We still have a good number of the Magnolia Family that haven't gone up NORTH for the summer...I think that they are the wise ones to wait for just a few more days to let the weather settle down and the warmth to thaw the ground up for their return, but as I have said before we must do what we think is right for us.....
Pastor Stacey brought the message today from the four Gospels of the New Testament with the theme of " He has Risen".... These gospels each tell of events that happened after Christ had risen from the grave and just how the people acted and said....They tell of the Angels telling of how Christ had told of just what he would do and for them not to be afraid....We serve an awesome God that loves us and has shown us by giving his only son to take our place for the sins that we have committed so that we might have everlasting life if we will only except and believe in Jesus as our Savior... Jesus has said that" No man comes to the Father but by him"....This is a powerful message that all must study and think on for ourselves...Please read for yourself and see....
Remember to pray for any sick that you hear of and also for the ones that are leaving to head up the road for their summer homes....Safe travel and good health for all the family....God Bless All......See you in church next week.....
This blogs sole purpose has transitioned to one of keeping in touch with each other. Over the years it has been primarily for letting everyone know what is happening and also for promotion to add more folks to our Winter Texan family. The core of things has changed and we must change along with it. We still want to know what is happening with our friends no matter where they may be located. So continue to let us know where you are and what is on your plate.
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