Ropa Usada means used clothing in Spanish and many of the residents go to these South Texas thrift stores where they find discarded clothing for pennies on the pound. All of the entries below were discarded by someone and rescued by the folks of Magnolia. This event is one of the most popular of our season.

Mary Bruun says, "Let the fun begin!"

Deon plays for us

Paige,granddaughter of Dave and Sue Greening, shows us what it takes to tumble.

Barb is headed to a campfire...

Pat Hahn found a reversible kimono.

Margaret has some monkey sock PJ's and is ready for the cooler weather.

Max found some overalls and is ready to be outstanding in his field.

The other Mr. Bruun,Wayne who is Dave's brother is ready to ref.

But underneath that Ref shirt lies a labeled Old Fart.

Kay Voss always finds the neatest Ropa stuff. She modified this top with some embroidery to camouflage some bleach stains.

Kay and Edie are headed off for a shopping excursion.

Julia looks sharp in her crisp white outfit looking great for Spring.

Irma Johnson also scores big with her Ropa finds.

Marty and Don tank sing along with Joan and Barb Howard.

Chet is always stylish in his Ropa duds.

Judy Lowary looks ready to roll in her special find.

Shirley Benner seems to be in a hurry

Ole and Joanne Oleson with Jackie Dobson sing for us.

Jan Brom Stinchfield is ready to look for more plants at the nursery.

Pat Jones has an artistic eye when putting together an outfit.

Julia Houzenga scored a leather coat.


Thirty point Buck Skit

They were all quite convincing as they hung out at the local pub in Wissssconnnnsin.

Dorothy Wendt, the trimmest of trim in this tailored outfit.

Pat Leber is all dressed for the finest of occassions.

Mary Pierce In her dressy bling.

Dorral Guzman is all smiles after dropping two dress sizes to fit into this stunner.

Phyllis lost her seat at church.

Jan Brom Stinchfield will knock them dead on the dance floor.

Arleen Beach is ready for a dance in her sparkly top.

Janet Rader looks stunning in this dress that looks like it was specially made for her

Carole Shymanski is a fast moving woman in her fancy outfit.

Norma Cooklin is always game for cutting edge fashions...if they are the right color.

Barb Howard says she paid 60 cents for this lovely dress.

Marty Tank fills the bill as the Lady in Red!

Dave Bruun more than a little dressed up in his ropa tux.

Marty Tank

Mary Bruun

Judy Hunt is decked out to play golf.

Judy Lowary is hurrying off to H.E.B. to stock up for next Sunday's Chili cookoff

Mary could bow for the queen in these fancy duds.

Donna Bruun

The other Mrs. Bruun,Donna, Mary's sister-in-law

Nelson Zoet and "The Auctioneer"

Leslie looks very tropical in this dress.
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