Saturday, April 13, 2019

More Mobiles and Info about Facebook Messenger

I just want to mention that if you use Facebook Messenger to send someone a  message and you are not already a Facebook Friend, there is every probability that they will not see that message. I have done that one or two times in the past and never got a response. I'm quite sure that the people I sent it to did not see it. It happened to me today and just luckily I did notice up on the notification bar on my phone that I had a message. Quite often I clear those notifications without really looking at them. Just something to keep in mind.

I have a few more photos of some of the mobiles to share with you. Now that most Winter Texans are back home some of them are sharing their photos with me so I can share them with you. I believe this one is on Pecos.  Two spots down is another one.

These are two views of the same one. It is located right behind Chet & Irma on Cottonwood and right next to what used to be French's.

This next one is on Betty Lewis's spot on Cottonwood.

I think this one is next to Thelma on Cottonwood but I could be mistaken. You can see the Pool Hall in the background.

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