Well it's the start of the new season at Magnolia...It seems like it's been a long summer, but I'm sure the coming season will seem short for many....The time seems to fly by the older we get...I don't know if that's good or bad, but nothing we can do about it any way....We just need to enjoy every minute that we do have....
We had Services in Allen Hall today....We had a smaller group but as more come in it will grow.....Pastor Stacey brought the message today from the Book of John, Chapter 14, starting with verse 1 with the theme of "Jesus , the Way to the Father".....This was a great message that tells of where Jesus is preparing a place for those of us who accept him as Lord and Savior will go....He even says that he will come and get us and lead the way.....Try to study this lesson for yourself to learn what Jesus has to say for and to us...At the end of the service , communion was served as it was the first of the month...This was a great service to start the season with....Please pray for those that are on the road and any sick that you hear of.....See you in Church next week...God Bless All...
This blogs sole purpose has transitioned to one of keeping in touch with each other. Over the years it has been primarily for letting everyone know what is happening and also for promotion to add more folks to our Winter Texan family. The core of things has changed and we must change along with it. We still want to know what is happening with our friends no matter where they may be located. So continue to let us know where you are and what is on your plate.
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