This has certianly been a cool day in deep South Texas, but it was warm in Church service this morning with Pastor Stacey bringing a message to warm our souls...Even with the cold weather we had a nice crowd with a few more of the family coming in for the season...It's good to see and talk to them again...
The message this morning was a continuation of the study of the Book of John, Chapter 1 , with the theme of "What is Jesus to You?"...This is a study of how John the Baptist was asked by many people who he was and if he was the Messiah or one of the Prophets....He never failed to answer them that he was not, but he was the one calling in the wilderness, "Make straight the way for the Lord." This is a great study for us and an example of how we should act what we are asked about our faith..
Remember to continue to pray for all that are sick and for those on the road....May all have a happy Thanks Giving for we are all blessed in so many ways...Give much Thanks to the Lord for all the Blessings....See you in Church next week.....God Bless All......
This blogs sole purpose has transitioned to one of keeping in touch with each other. Over the years it has been primarily for letting everyone know what is happening and also for promotion to add more folks to our Winter Texan family. The core of things has changed and we must change along with it. We still want to know what is happening with our friends no matter where they may be located. So continue to let us know where you are and what is on your plate.
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