Sunday, June 07, 2009

Sunday Update

Here it is another Sunday at Magnolia Park and the weather is quite warm to say the least...This morning we were blessed to have "Church/bible study" with Pastor Stacey at Don and Marji Soole's home...There weren't many of us but it was a blessing for all there as Pastor said "In the Bible it says where two or more are gathered, the Lord will be in the midst of them". Pastor said that Lord willing we will have the gathering as long until Don and Marji leave to go on vacation in a few weeks....That was good news for me at least as I sure enjoy the service...
On another note I took Bill Saubert to the ER in Knap Hospital yesterday(Saturday) as he was very weak and not feeling well at all...After a checkup, they released him with some medication to help him with his condition...He is going to see his Doctor Monday to have farther checkup tests done...He needs our prayers and support at this time....I don't believe it's any thing serious, but you can never be too careful at our age...Remember keep well and watch out for each other...

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