Friday, March 24, 2017


The Winter Texan season is about to come to a close. It runs from November 1st to April 1st with some people venturing down for a short time and some come for the entire season and sometimes far beyond.
This is the time of year when it starts letting up with traffic and it becomes noticeable that there are fewer people on the streets and in the activity centers throughout the park.
A whole different feel comes about.
It is a natural progression. We leave for a few months and then come back again. It cycles. This is the time of year when those of us in RV's get what is known as "Hitch Itch" where you get a bit anxious to hitch up and move out to get back to the other half of your life.
We hope to keep you informed throughout the summer. So keep checking in.
I would appreciate it if you will send me pictures of your summer activities. It helps us get to know you better and it helps in keeping people interested in the blog.
Keep in touch!!

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