Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Thanksgiving week and such

With tropical winds and more-than-warm sunshine it is hard to make the mental transition that this is Thanksgiving week. I was reminded when I visited the H.E.B. a few minutes ago. The aisles were crowded and the carts full of pumpkin pies and cranberry sauce. The turkey has already been purchased or at least it better be, because buying a frozen turkey on late Tuesday afternoon will make the preparation on early Thursday morning a challenge. Have you ever stuffed a frozen turkey? Me neither. My choice for taking a side dish to the hall has been made and the ingredients purchased and we are all good to go.

Does anyone know what this tree is? No, it is not a nutmeg tree. That has already been determined. Chis Pearce would like to know as it is taking up residence in her front yard.

This morning at coffee. It looks like they are paying attention.

  This is the Voss's grapefruit tree.
 Meal prep taking place before the jam . Ron, Chris, Larry and Marty.
 Marty is cutting up onion's while Larry looks on.

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