Wednesday, November 17, 2010

10 Day Forecast

One of the many reasons we favor sunny south Texas.
 Things are picking up in the park with new arrivals happening every few days. Butch and I have sometimes taken  our second walk (*) after dark and as we do we see the pool hall(*) is busy with pool shooters and card players(*). As we round the corner by the office we see more card players in the little hall. The weather has been mild(*) with an occasional cool front passing through making an after dark walk through the park a pleasant experience. Last night the Toomires and Brookers went to the El Dorado(*) for supper. Roy and Shirley Benner were there. Shirley looks great. It was last year at this time she was beginning her battle with cancer. It looks as though she has successfully regained her health(*). We are all pulling for each other in times such as those(*). I placed an asterisk next to each thing we come to sunny South Texas to enjoy. Some we are aware of all the time,like the weather and some may be more subtle but they all add up to time well spent.

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