Saturday, April 27, 2024


 I know it's been a while since I last posted and to be honest, I'm not sure if anyone reads this anymore or not but I think a few do so I will keep posting periodically to this blog.

We left the RGV March 28 and in three days we were back home here in Wisconsin. As usual, Spring has been rather fickle since we arrived home. Up here, it was the winter that wasn't, because they had very little snow and it really wasn't very cold. Since we've been home, it's snowed and it's been far colder than we were used to down in Texas. Neither Jim or I like it and it seems like we just can't get warm. We got used to the great weather we had all winter down south so this is a bitter pill to swallow. The last few days have been somewhat warmer and a bit rainy and windy. We are lucky though when we see the tornado destruction that took place yesterday in numerous states. I certainly hope none of you were affected by the severe weather outbreak the last few days and perhaps ongoing even as I type this.

It has warmed up sufficiently that the grass has gotten green, is growing and will need to be mowed very shortly. Once we start mowing it's an ongoing thing probably well into October although as fall approaches the grass does slow down in its growth. I see tulips, daffodils and rhododendrons blooming all over in our area. At one time I had hundreds of tulips but the deer found them tasty and the squirrels thought they should all be dug up. That was enough of that!! The problem with all of those flowers is, yes they are so pretty in the spring but after they bloom for a short time, that is it and they are done until next year. I'm looking for new ideas for flowers that will bloom most of the summer. I have had a wildflower garden for several years and while it is pretty for quite a long time, at the same time it is also very messy looking and drives me crazy. I am going to till it up and plant perennials that bloom most of the summer and that I can weed around, or at least that is the plan.

The only Magnolia people that I still hear from are the ones in Trails End, where we are, and those over at Roadrunner where there is another contingent of former Magnolia people. Through Facebook I do have contact with a few others but contact is minimal. Lots of good memories though from those years. We did not drive into Magnolia at all this season but did drive by several times. It looks quite dreadful. I wonder how the inside of the buildings are where we all spent a lot of time, probably as dreadful as the rest of the park looks. There are a very few of our former neighbors at Magnolia who are still there which most of us find interesting.

As I say every time I post something on this blog if you have news to share please let me know.

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