Thursday, September 17, 2020

Update on Dale Eichor

 I had a note from Caroline Eichor again today and she tells me that Dale came home from the hospital on Tuesday and is doing well. That is very good news and we wish him a very speedy recovery.

The weather here in Central Wisconsin has turned cooler and there is even a frost advisory out for this evening. Fall is here and I am looking forward to the leaves turning. Of course, with leaves turning, comes leaves falling and following that is raking, just one of those things we do in preparation for the upcoming colder months. We mowed today and most likely will mow just once more, especially if it freezes hard very soon. The soybean fields are turning golden in color and the corn ears are hanging down, more sure signs of the end of the growing season nearing the end.

I walked up the road to our Amish neighbors to see what they have in their roadside stand. I brought home some very nice tomatoes and a nice squash. They have their sweet corn sign covered up so I'm thinking that is getting in short supply.

The Covid numbers have taken a sharp uptick here in Wisconsin with lots of young people testing positive. Our local school also has had at least one positive case and it just doesn't look like it is going to be drastically better any time soon.

Wear those masks, wash your hands and social distance! Won't we all be glad when we don't hear any of those words anymore!! I know we will.

Safe travels to those who will be on the road soon.

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