Friday, April 24, 2020

This and That

It is such a strange time right now, never in my wildest imagination did I ever think I would see a situation like the whole world is in right now. I'm guessing everyone is getting mighty sick of the "social distancing", staying at home, stores closed etc. Just think how much we are going to appreciate it when the restrictions can be relaxed, even if just a little bit. As an old saying goes, "this too will pass" and I for one hope we all use some common sense when that does happen. We have been trying to stay busy. I have rediscovered knitting as our new park, Trophy Gardens has a knitting group with a great leader and it has been fun. I have been busy making headbands and scarves. I had bought some yarn in Mexico which as it turns out, wasn't really the best yarn but it has kept me busy. Jim is gearing up for the arrival of the hummingbirds and the orioles. Last year we went through 69 jars of grape jelly! They almost always arrive on Mother's Day but this year has been so cold, that may not happen. We have yet to reach 70 degrees, here in Central Wisconsin although today got up to 65 and it was really a beautiful day. Jim has also decided we need to house some Purple Martins so he has a house, pole and a couple of decoy martins ordered. We'll have to see how that goes!

I know there are still changes going on at Magnolia as one by one almost everyone has gotten moved out with the bulk of the folks going to Trails End, a few to Leisure World (sister park to Trails End), a couple to Roadrunner and of course, Brookers and us are at Trophy Gardens. A lot has happened in the last couple of years that's for sure.

I think most people have gotten home safely, Chet & Irma arrived back here in Neillsville on Tuesday, and I believe it won't be too long before Gail & Darlene get totally settled at Trails End and head out for home. I know Harpers are back in Iowa and we have been home a month. Barb and Butch are still in Texas but his leg is healing nicely and in a few more weeks they will also head out. I imagine the people who are still in the process of having their units moved or waiting for that process to start will be waiting until that is accomplished before heading home. Irma did report that they had absolutely no problem finding gas stations, truck stops, rest areas and hotels all open. The truck stops had plenty of hot food so that was not a problem either.

If anyone has news they would like to share on the blog, send it to me and I will see that it gets on.

Everyone, be careful and stay healthy. Safe travels when on the road!

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