Monday, June 24, 2024

This and That

 I know it's been a long while since I posted anything but it's getting harder and harder to find anything to write about. I do think there will perhaps come a time when the blog will be ended, or at least new posts will no longer be made. 

Up here in West Central Wisconsin we have had days and days of heavy rains and tonight the meteorologists are talking about the possibilities of very strong winds even derechos which I think are becoming more common. I know a few years back Iowa was hit with one of these. We are keeping busy with mowing our lawn because even though it has not been overly hot it has been wet so the grass keeps growing. 

We enjoy watching the wildlife out our windows including a couple of does with fawns, one has one fawn and another has twins. They race around like crazy on the lawn just like a bunch of little kids playing. They are fun to watch! We haven't planted a garden for many years but we do plant tomato plants. Jim started them after we got home and we planted them outside a couple of weeks ago. We like the cherry tomatoes so have red and yellow. We have lots of plants so most likely if the weather cooperates we should have a bumper crop.

I thought I would share a couple of photos with you of some of our wildlife. These were all taken out our living room windows. 

Ruby-throated Hummingbird

Rose-breasted Grosbeak, male

Indigo Bunting

Red-headed Woodpecker

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