Wednesday, October 18, 2023

This and That (Again)

 It seems I can't think of a different title so will just talk a little bit about this and that.  I was wrong, Marty Harper is in Texas and Don will be coming shortly with the motor home.

I heard from Darlene (thank goodness she's very good about keeping me informed) and she tells me that Chris has the cast off and by now the stitches most likely have been removed. She is doing therapy at home. Ron, however is in the hospital with a UTI and pneumonia. The UTIs seem to be a popular illness this summer. Jim had one in July and a worse one in late September. He landed in the hospital for a couple of days where they pumped him full of antibiotics and he seems to be fully recovered. It is nothing to fool around with that's for sure and to be on the safe side we have a filled prescription with the antibiotic that he has taken so if something should happen on the way down we are prepared. Will have to drink more (and that means more stops) along the way but it's good to get out and stretch our legs anyway. 

We got our covid and flu vaccines last week and think we will get the RSV and latest pneumonia shots before we head out. We've had two pneumonia vaccines in the past and thought that was the last we'd ever need but apparently there is now another one they are recommending we get.

Our son is coming for a short visit at the end of next week and shortly after he leaves we will head south, all depending on the weather of course.

I will mention here, just in case you are not a Facebook friend that we will be bringing at least two cases of Jim's freshly extracted honey with us, most of which is already spoken for but if you are in the Valley and would like a jar, please let me know. A two pound jar is $10, and this is raw, filtered but not heated honey. Pretty tasty!!

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