Monday, September 04, 2023

This and That

 It's been a while since I've posted anything but I heard from Marty Harper and she told me Don is much better and he attributes his sepsis from a very small bite from a cat. Who knows, anything is possible and we are glad he is better. We are looking forward to seeing them in south Texas in just a couple of months.

I also somehow saw a post or communication from Tuffy Wolfrom that he has been fighting A-Fib which is nothing to fool around with. I hope he is on the mend. 

We have had our usual busy summer and right now Jim is busy extracting honey. He is too good a beekeeper and he has only 3 colonies but we have lots of honey to get rid of. We intend to bring 2 cases to the Valley with us and one of those is almost completely spoken for.

He planted several yellow cherry tomato plants and now we are inundated with these little tomatoes. They are much better than the red ones, at least in my opinion and the plants are hanging with them.

It has been extremely hot here in Central Wisconsin, 100 degrees yesterday and 96 today. Wednesday is supposed to be much cooler. We need rain badly but in spite of that there are some fields of beautiful corn and soybeans around the countryside. I don't know how they have even survived much less thrived without rain but they have. The morning dew has been very heavy so perhaps that has helped the crops. I for one am ready for fall, it's been a long, warm/hot, dry summer all around the area.

We are looking forward to another season in the RGV and I am eager to go birding down there where the wonderful birding areas are very plentiful.

If anyone has news they would like to share please do let me know and I'll be happy to post it.

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