Friday, January 07, 2022

This and That

 The New Year is well under way down here in deep south Texas and like many years in the past it is quite warm (hot) for a few days and then a cold front comes rolling in and it is cold for a few days, and then back to warm. Yesterday was very pleasant and today it is rather chilly. In any case, it certainly is better than it is up north as it barely got above zero back home today and as I understand it the wind chill last night was 40 below, or at least that is the story I heard! We'll take this warm - cool cycle any time compared to that!

We went over to HEB on Westgate this morning and as long as we were so close we drove by the old park, in fact, three times just to make sure we saw it all. The front gate was closed but the back gate was wide open and we certainly could have gone in and drove around but we really didn't want to do that. It is truly a very sad state of affairs. The fence on the east side is partially down as well as the fence back on Cummings. I really don't know why they bother with the front gate as anyone could get in at any time. Once in a while a former resident will drive through just for old times sake but we are all of us who are not there anymore so glad. I think we have all settled down in our new parks and for the most part I think most are completely satisfied. I know we certainly like it here at Trails End and the others we have run across here and there are also happy with the parks they have chosen. Time moves on and with that change comes along. The older we get change can be difficult but it is inevitable that's for sure. 

Most everyone down here wears masks in the stores and so do we. At this point, I guess one can't be too careful. We have managed to stay healthy thus far and certainly hope it stays that way!

We've been birding a few times but really haven't seen much. It seems to be a rather odd birding year. The other morning though the parrots dropped by and I did get lots of pictures of them. Such fun!! I remember well when they used to land in the tree by Liz and Andrea back on Pecos especially in the spring. They are as noisy as ever!!

If you have news you'd like to share, please let me know.

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