Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Fires out West

 I had a short note from Peggy Gordon today and I told her I would share it tonight on the blog. She sent me a link which I couldn't make work but there is plenty of information out there. Peggy and Donn live in Carson City Nevada and she told me that the smoke, along with the ash, from the  Lake Tahoe and Caldor fires is absolutely terrible. I looked it up and it looks very scary to me. The evacuation centers in Carson City are full and I would imagine the situation is only going to get worse. We complain up here in Wisconsin or anywhere actually in the mid-west when it is a bit too dry or a bit too wet but in all reality our weather is nothing compared to the raging fires out west and the hurricane down south. Keep Peggy and Donn in your thoughts and prayers as well as all those hundreds of thousands of other people who are dealing with the results of fire, wind, flooding as well as no power. 

Stay SAFE!!

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