Thursday, October 08, 2020

More Sad News

 It is with much sadness that I have to tell you that Jay Kelly passed away this morning about 10:00. We thought he was well on the road to recovery because he had his Monday morning fiddle tune which due to Covid 19 he had not been able to do for a couple of weeks.

He apparently walked to the post office yesterday and was very tired when he got back home. He got progressively more ill and as they live only a couple of blocks from the hospital Joyce drove him to the ER last evening. After more tests and xrays of his lungs he was admitted to the hospital. His lungs were full of pneumonia which is so characteristic of this virus. Just when you think someone is getting better things can quickly take a turn for the worse. I have gotten this info second hand but I think for the most part it is pretty accurate.

Jay was great musician and a very good friend. He will be missed by many.

When I get more info and an obituary I will post it here.

One final thought, this virus is NOT a hoax, it is serious, very serious. Wear those masks, socially distance, wash your hands and do everything you can to stay safe no matter where you are.

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