Sunday, April 14, 2013

Sunday Service

Today we had the service in the little hall as more of the Magnolia family goes NORTH for the summer...We still had nearly a full hall to hear what Pastor Stacey had to teach today....We found out that several more of the family will be leaving within the next week or so.....We will decide in the next week or so just how long we will continue to have services this season before suspending for the summer....The season seems to never come during the summer but ends up very quickly in the spring.....Oh well for those of us that stay during the summer we all can go to Pastor Staceys church in Donna....The people there are just warm and friendly and of course most of them are younger than here in the park so that is a little different than we are use too, but it's all good for sure.... The message today was on the theme of "Keep Praying"...Pastor Stacey quoted from several scriptures where we as Christians are told to pray about every thing....I know that most of us are lax in the prayer department when every thing  is going good and more apt to pray when we are in trouble or sick....We are told that to continue to pray as it also builds our faith and also feeds our souls....The only thing we need to remember is the Lord answers prayer but only in HIS time not necessarily our time...This is a lesson in it self for us to learn....

Just remember to pray for others, any sick that you hear of and for those that are traveling...We want all the family to be able to come back to Magnolia in the fall and tell of their summer.....God Bless All.....See you in church next week....

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