Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Christmas Day 2024

 Today in Trails End we got together for Christmas Dinner in our Main Hall. It is done differently here than when we were all  over in Magnolia. Here we sign up for different tables with 12 at each table and the first person on the list is the head of the table and they cook the ham or turkey for that table. Everyone else writes down what they are bringing to contribute to the meal. Pat Jordan took several pictures of those who were at their table which the others in this park call the Magnolia table. We sat at a different table and I know Don & Marty were at the dinner but I'm not quite sure where they sat. A nice time was had by all!

Shirley Truitt and Dick Truitt

Pat & Mike Jordan

Chris Pearce & Gail Lubinsky

Deral Rogers & Keith Gilbertson

Carmen Friesen, DeWayne Friesen and Darlene Jansen

Carmen said on her next birthday she will be 94!

1 comment:

Barbara Brooker said...

It was such a treat seeing all the familiar faces in unfamiliar places. Coudn't resist that one!