Saturday, April 01, 2023

Ramona Weeks Fell

 I heard from Edna Walker yesterday and she thought some of you would be interested in hearing about Ramona Weeks. She is the widow of Max Weeks and many of you will remember both of them. 

Ramona took a nasty fall a couple months ago, she luckily didn't break any bones but had a slight concussion. After a brief hospital stay she was transferred to a rehabilitation center in Creston. She had been having some memory problems so they planned on transferring her to an assisted living facility. Because of her increased loss of memory she has ended up in the care center. Although confused much of the time she seems content. She knows people when they visit, just can't remember they were there. She calls Edna regularly. She is in Creston Special Care, 1001 Cottonwood, Creston Iowa 50801

If you remember her, I'm betting she would appreciate a card (even if she doesn't remember you, a card probably would brighten her day).

Still waiting for SPRING here in Wisconsin!!

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