Tuesday, July 05, 2022

This and That

 The 4th of July has come and gone and yes, the days are already starting their downward trend although as of yet it's not noticeable. It rained off and on here yesterday but cleared off in time for the fireworks last night. We could hear them but did not drive to town see them going off. We watched the Capital 4th on PBS but to be honest I found it somewhat disappointing. We've watched it every year for many years but this year it did not "trip my trigger". The woman who played the piano was very good and had the music memorized which is no easy feat but for some reason I found the whole show somewhat disappointing. Oh well, each to their own and as most of you know I am somewhat picky!

I don't have anything in the way of news so thought I would give you a couple of recent bird photos. Some of you will have seen them on Facebook but not everyone is on Facebook. The top one is a male Baltimore Oriole enjoying grape jelly and below that are two Red-headed Woodpeckers.

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