Wednesday, June 15, 2022

This and That

 I thought I'd mention that Don Harper will be having back surgery tomorrow. Not only that but he has been fighting shingles, however, the surgery is a go. Hopefully that will fix the pain that he has been in since we were all together in south Texas for the winter. We would meet often on our morning walks but as we headed toward spring I saw him less and less and quite often he was using a cane or at least had it along with him. We all know that is not like Don so let's keep him in our thoughts and prayers and wish him a very speedy recovery and hope he will be out and about again, pain free.

Otherwise, there really isn't a lot to report. As those of you know who are Facebook friends we have sold our 5th Wheel which is a very big relief to us. It was a lot of fun for many years but when it ceased to be fun we decided it was time to purchase a mobile in our park and hang up our RVing keys. Oddly enough, Barb and Butch Brooker, as most of you probably already know, made the same decision and they bought a park model over at Trophy Gardens. We will miss it in many ways but in other ways it will be nice not to be hauling that very large rig down the highway. With the price of diesel now, it certainly was the right time to come to that decision.

Storms rumbled through Wisconsin today but we really had nothing but some rain. There certainly were tornado warnings out for areas not far from us but nothing happened here. The sun has come out now and it cooled off. Yesterday we had 99 degrees and very high humidity. It seems it goes from one extreme to another, either it's too cold or too hot, nothing in between. Next week temperatures in the 90s are in the forecast once again. 

Our Amish neighbors have a farm market stand by the road, it's not open yet but their plants are spectacular and it won't be long before they will have something for sale. Our favorites are their tomatoes and then their sweet corn. It's so handy, I can walk maybe a block up the road or less and have all the fresh vegetables that we want. I think their first offering will be strawberries but because of the cold spring they are somewhat delayed.

If any of you ex-Magnolia people, or the few who still do reside in Magnolia have any news you would like to share please let me know and I will be glad to post it.

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