I originally wrote this entry but probably due to a weak Internet connection did not get it posted so better late than never as the saying goes.
The season begins on November 1st. Some people are here year round and some saunter in during October but for the most part, it is considered that the season starts on 11/1.
I am so used to blogging year round (since 2002) and I keep the emphasis on the one that is the most active. And sometimes I forget to make the switch.
www.brooker3.blogspot.com is our personal blog and it will and does contain mostly items pertaining to our lives. I like to think it can be interesting. If I didn't think that I would have stopped years ago. But I digress.
So now it is time for my split personality to take over and if you wish to get the full story you may want to check both blogs. Near the bottom of both blogs is a place to enter your email address. This enables you to get the blog entries in your email. It is a two, maybe three step process. You need to look at your email after the first step or two and verify that you indeed want to receive it by clicking on a link in the email. This enables you to read the blog entry without having to go to the website once it is set up and verified.
We have settled in and are enjoying the slower pace that happens in the early part of the season. December, January, and February can be downright frantic around here. It tapers off the last half of March and then we start all over again.
There have been so many changes throughout the park I cannot possibly begin to tell you. I cannot even remember them much less relate them with any accuracy.