Monday, July 06, 2015

Summertime Magnolia

From Kay V.

Today, Linda and I went to Produce street ropa....for an hour.  It was hot, but with a good breeze....but an hour wiped us out!  We both got a bag.....mine was $4.40.  WITH our winter discount!!! Ha.  Then home to wash the clothes.
I went to crafts.   11 women there, not counting Doral 4yr old ggdaughter!   Breanna was counted.....Marie Flood gave  crochet lessons.   Jim and Breanna went on Danny B for fishing, they got a nice panful and she came to crafts later.   A good day.   Breanna is in the pool now....she will sleep good tonite.   Larry Kraft and his gdaughter will be here tomorrow.   The kids are  about the same age, so they should have fun.  All for now,  Kay

Thanks Kay for the summertime look at Magnolia Park!

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