Monday, January 31, 2005

All About Me Lists
Here's a list of things that EVERYONE should
have written down somewhere in case they have a medical emergency - -
keeping one list at home and one in your wallet is a good idea. It can
make the difference in getting quick, appropriate medical care,
especially when the patient cannot answer questions and the family is
too distraught to give the information.

- Name, address
- Weight (used for drug dosages)
- Insurance info
- Doctor's name/preferred medical facility
- Allergies (especially to antibiotics, painkillers, latex)
- Current medical problems/serious past medical problems
- Current medications (include strength and dosage)
- Emergency contact person and phone number
- Anything you wear such as contact lenses, prosthetic limbs, false
teeth/eyes, pacemaker, etc.

Also, people taking multiple medications are often under the care of
more than one physician. It's very important that they make sure each
and every doctor is kept informed of what medications...prescription AND
over-the-counter AND herbal...they take on a daily basis. Many times
patients have had serious medical emergencies due to taking multiple
doses of the same medication (often one was brand-name, the other
generic, prescribed by diff. docs, so the patient didn't realize they
were taking double the same thing!), or due to an interaction of

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