Thursday, December 30, 2010

Dean and Betty Lewis

I talked to Betty the other day....she is so happy about Dean! The new doctor has really helped work a miracle with Dean. He is now getting around with just a cane! His meds were all changed, and he is on a high vitamin program. He is excited about coming to Texas and as soon as they can get things together, they are planning on coming South! (maybe 2 weeks or so) You will find her at the pool!! ha

Jon and Edy Larson

Please keep Jon Larson in your prayers. He is in the hospital again with a blood infection. Edy is having pain issues. Thank you

Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Dinner

Carol Kapke getting the mashed potatoes buttered up.

Don and Marge Soole and their crew of Tuffy and Char Wolfrom, Eugene Pratt, Carol Kapke prepare the holiday meals at Magnolia park. Don and Marge, pictured here owned a restaurant in their former life and we are so lucky to have their expertise.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Sunday Service

Here it is the day after Christmas and the last Sunday of the year already...Will some one tell me just where the last year has gone so fast??? The season is well along, but there are still some winter Texans coming in....With Christmas past and the New Year coming up very fast the time is flying....

We had a great turn out for Sunday Service this morning even a it was a very cool temperature out side it was warm in the hall for the service....The lesson this morning was a continuation of the study on praying with the theme of " Keep Praying"...It was shown that to change things in our lives and in the country we need as a people, as a family, and as a nation for changes...A great lesson and much to think about...Remember to pray for all that are sick and those on the road....GOD BLESS ALL.....

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Eve

Virgie and Dave Gillam have returned to Magnolia park. They purchased their place from Bob and Rose Hendry.

Manager Dottie and her husband

Wes Comstock , a new resident who lives on Cummings lane.

Pastor Stacey and his beautiful rendition of White Christmas

Five fun women of Magnolia Park-From right to left-Sandy,Charlotte,Eula,Vera and Kitti

Charlotte and Sandy

Vera and Eula


Guests of Neil and Julia Houzenga , Tim and Claire.

Warblers warbling

Joan leads the Warblers

Don Tanks

Joan Kent with the Warblers


Erma Cleaveland

Nelson Zoet

Char Wolfrom

Ray Droogsma

Naoma Pratt

Lerry Ergen and " Christmas Cookies"

Deon is a short one and this is the best I could get. Her medley of Christmas songs were wonderful.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Erv and Holly Hagen's pictures

Ambroise and Lili Demers view of the parade

Barb leads the parade

Marlene and Jack

Ron and Elaine Wingert!!

Irma Johnson hides amongst the tinsel

Floyd and Eva Foote. Ambroise offers treats

Shirley and Roy

Don and Marty

George and Molly

Mary and Edie

Sharon and Weyland

Members of the Hahn family


Members of the Kent family. They were headed to the pool but found out it was closed and joined the parade!

Roy and Shirley