Wednesday, June 11, 2014

From the Cleavelands-

 Friends have been checking with us when they heard about our bad storms and I wanted to update everyone.  We had high winds, hail and pouring rain last Tuesday night.  A tornado or two went thru west of Oakland and did severe damage to houses, sheds, bins, and crops.  Windows were blown out of houses but no one was hurt or killed in the area.  We had damage to our crops and our house.  The north side of our house has holes in the siding from the hail and probably roof damage.  Dick is daily checking the fields to see if any of the crops are coming back.  Some don't look too bad and some don't even look like they have been planted.  We are waiting today to hear from the crop insurance man about whether he has to replant or not.  We are thankful that we didn't lose our home.  The town of Oakland had a lot of damage with downed trees and such. 
 Dick & Leslie

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