Monday, March 07, 2005

Awesome Library -

"Awesome Library organizes the Web with 26,000 carefully reviewed resources, including the top 5 percent in education.' Here's a special resource for library-goers, arranged by type presentation as well as topic. Just click on the door through which you'd like to enter to start your library tour be it as a Teacher, Kid, Teen, Parent, Librarian
or College Student. The various topics listed will be appropriate to the door through which you entered. There's even a feature, Awesome
Talkster, that is downloadable; 'Talkster combines a browser, directory, search engine, and text-to-voice technology.' Coupled with the standard
library resources, the talking feature 'allows you to select online text and have it read to you.' What a great resource for those vision impaired visitors in addition to having the capability for helping improve reading skills!

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